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Digital Edition #66

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Culture Wars grow on social media

Why attacks on cultural institutions and works of art are used as instruments of the right, based on algorithms that value hate speech

What can a work of culture, art or criticism do?

A question for Tales Ab'Sáber* João Cezar de Castro Rocha – In his documentary Intervention, Love doesn't mean much, he anticipated much of the horrors...

Tijuana: violence & culture

With three million inhabitants, the Mexican city, cut off by the wall on the US border, is trying to establish itself as a cultural hub

Civilization in dispute

Professor and literary critic João Cezar de Castro Rocha talks about the various faces of the far-right discourse: authoritarianism, cultural war and cognitive chaos

Repeat. It's good to remember

A series of exhibitions and events recalls 60 years of the military dictatorship, revisiting traumas and legacies and connecting the past to recent threats to democracy

Why the war?

In 1932, an exchange of letters between the father of physics, Albert Einstein, and the father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, translated the concerns of the two humanist intellectuals in that first third of the 20th century. In the letters, both questioned each other, from perspectives completely different, the reason for the armed conflicts, shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War.

Film addresses the madness of the evangelization of indigenous people in Javari

Avesso do Céu, by the duo Dias & Riedweg, was filmed in the Javari Reserve, in the far west of the Amazon, and has as its theme the conversion practiced by dozens of neo-Pentecostal churches, even with newly contacted indigenous people

The recreation of a cosmogony

Thiago Martins de Melo develops political work in which he tirelessly denounces necropolitics and the erasure of the history of images by colonization


“Dos Brasis – Arte e Pensamento Negro” encourages Afro-Brazilian production

  With general curatorship by Igor Simões, the exhibition brings together 240 artists from all Brazilian states who present works in different artistic languages. A...

Places of Memory and resistance

Double exhibition revisits Mario Pedrosa's project to rebuild MAM Rio and articulates a network of cultural rescue and preservation strategies developed by 20 institutions spread across different regions of the country

Have you attended our last seminar?

Culture, Democracy and Reparation
A arte!brasileiros and Sesc SP promoted an international seminar to debate the subject. On this page, you can check out the recorded versions of the lectures, in-depth interviews with important figures in the cultural and artistic scene, and texts that unfold reflections on art and democracy

Have you attended our last seminar?

Culture, Democracy and Reparation
A arte!brasileiros and Sesc SP promoted an international seminar to debate the subject. On this page, you can check out the recorded versions of the lectures, in-depth interviews with important figures in the cultural and artistic scene, and texts that unfold reflections on art and democracy

Access our recorded courses
