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Works by Palatnik and Mestre Molina at Oficina Molina - Palatnik. Photo: Coil Lopes

Watch the video about the exhibition “Oficina Molina – Palatnik”, at Sesc Avenida Paulista

On view until March 27 at Sesc Avenida Paulista, the exhibition Oficina Molina - Palatnik proposes a dialogue between the works of Abraham Palatnik (1928-2020) and Mestre Molina (1917-1998), two Brazilian artists...
farce - sesc pompeii

“HURT. Language, fracture, fiction: Brazil-Portugal” at Sesc Pompeia

"How do we feel language these days?". This is one of the questions that guided Marta Mestre and Pollyana Quintella in the curatorship of FARSA. Language, fracture, fiction: Brazil-Portugal, exhibition at Sesc Pompeia,...

The art in transformation

15th Bienal Naïfs do Brasil reflects on the narratives that build Brazilian history, proposes attention to peripheral vision and a non-generalist look at popular artists

What are our ideas for postponing the end of art?

At Sesc Piracicaba, 15th Bienal Naïfs do Brasil, entitled "Ideias to postpone the end of art", reflects on the narratives that build Brazilian history, proposes attention to peripheral vision and a non-generalist look at popular artists; Watch the video
Beatriz Lemos, Thiago de Paula Souza and Diane Lima, curators of the 3rd edition of Frestas - Trienal de Artes

New territories expand reflection on art

Curators of the 3rd edition of Frestas - Triennial of Arts, entitled "The river is a serpent", bring together knowledge and Afro-indigenous, native and ancestral thoughts to think an art of the impossible
Beatriz Lemos, Thiago de Paula Souza and Diane Lima, curators of the 3rd edition of Frestas - Trienal de Artes

New territories expand reflection on art

Curators of the 3rd edition of Frestas - Trienal de Artes, entitled The river is a snake, bring together Afro-indigenous, native and ancestral knowledge and thoughts to think about an art of the impossible
In the foreground, wooden divisions on the wall have the writing "Entre Bordas", vertically. In the background, a woman looks at paintings from the exhibition "Between edges - sounds that escape" on the wall

“Entre Bordas – Sons que Escapam”, new in-person exhibition at Sesc Santo André

What are the sounds that escape the edges? It is from this question that Entre Bordas - Sons que Escapam, the new in-person exhibition of Sesc Santo André, starts. Curated by Paula Braga, the show...
Sesc-SP reopening

Sesc-SP: Gradual resumption of face-to-face activities and success of the digital proposal

Watch the interview with Juliana Braga de Mattos, Visual Arts and Technology Manager at Sesc-SP, who talks about the institution's work in recent months and the planning for the face-to-face reopening of the units

15th Bienal Naïfs do Brasil — Sesc Piracicaba

Watch the video in which curators Renata Felinto and Ana Avelar talk about the concept of the show and the digital activities created during social isolation; also find out who are the award-winning artists in this edition

Cultural management in Brazil in times of pandemic and attack on culture

During the first three months of the period of social isolation in the country, the arte!brasileiros interviewed five managers of important cultural institutions to find out how they are dealing with the moment and what it is possible to plan for the future; read the main excerpts from conversations with Danilo Miranda, Eduardo Saron, Jochen Volz, Ricardo Ohtake and Solange Farkas