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Tag: Paz Errazuriz

Paiz Art Biennial focuses on cultural diversity and crises in Latin America

In an interview with arte!brasileiros, Chilean curator Alexia Tala talks about the 22nd edition of the Guatemalan Biennial, which raised debates about native peoples, their worldviews, and opinions about immigration and contemporary crises
country art biennial

Bienal de Arte Paiz, in Guatemala, focuses on cultural diversity and crises in...

In interview with arte!brasileiros, Chilean curator Alexia Tala talks about the 22nd edition of the Guatemalan biennial, which raised debates on native peoples and their worldviews, immigration and contemporary crises
Constanza Alarcón, Augurios, 2020. Chile: al air, free

Chile: al air, free

Public art project carried out in Chile, in mid-May, brought together more than 70 artists and collectives who were present in suspended and postponed spaces during isolation in the pandemic.