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Tags: Naiara Tukano

We are nature

On the first day of the seminar, limits between culture and nature are questioned based on indigenous wisdom, by Ailton Krenak, Antonio Donato Nobre and Naiara Tukano
Speakers of the VI International Virtual Seminar: in defense of nature and culture - the art of the possible

VI International Virtual Seminar ARTE!Brasileiros: In defense of nature and culture – the art...

Read the full coverage of the event held by arte!brasileiros and the Goethe-Institut on October 8th and 9th

we are nature

On the first day of the seminar, limits between culture and nature are questioned based on indigenous wisdom, by Ailton Krenak, Antonio Donato Nobre and Naiara Tukano
Speakers of the VI International Virtual Seminar: in defense of nature and culture - the art of the possible

VI International Virtual Seminar ARTE!Brasileiros: In defense of nature and culture – the...

Read full coverage of the event held by arte!brasileiros and by the Goethe-Institut on the 8th and 9th of October
Beuys VI Seminar ARTE!Brasileiros

Against devastation! 

The “VI International Seminar ARTE!Brasileiros: In defense of nature and culture – the art of the possible”, carried out in partnership with the Goethe-Institut, will take place virtually on October 8 and 9, bringing together important artists, philosophers, scientists, environmentalists and curators; learn more about the event and see the confirmed names

Colonization fake news

Indigenous peoples never built monuments, because this way of seeing the world through male heroes is a fantasy created by the white man to sell his war products.