Tag: jaime lauriano
'The decolonial turn in Brazilian art': Considerations to stir up the debate
The reading of The decolonial turn in Brazilian art (Editora Mireveja), by Alessandra Simões Paiva – brought up several questions that, although they concern the culture and art produced in Brazil, are of a...
Curated by Moacir dos Anjos, the exhibition “Necrobrasiliana” arrives in Recife this Thursday (15)
On display at Fundação Joaquim Nabuco, the show houses 26 works by 12 contemporary artists, who reinterpret Brazil’s colonial memory
MAR presents a solo show by Jarbas Lopes and the exhibition “Black Encyclopedia”
The Rio Art Museum hosts two simultaneous exhibitions, on display until September. In Gira, Lopes, whose career in art began 30 years ago, proposes new meanings for objects that were discarded in...
Breaking the complicity between the aesthetic and the colonial device: Afro-Brazilian art, black art...
Márcio Seligmann-Silva analyzes narratives about the history of Afro-descendant Brazilian art, which involves a series of traumatic repetitions over time
Projeto Expresso reaches its last week of visitation
Initiative promoted the contact of young people in compliance with socio-educational measures with art; works produced from their experiences can be seen at the CASA Feminino Parada de Taipas center until January 30th
MAC USP and MAM-SP present joint exhibition “Zona da Mata”
The result of a partnership between the institutions, the exhibition sheds light on the latent problems of Brazil and the relationship between culture and nature
A book of many hands, minds and lives
Organized by Flávio dos Santos Gomes, Jaime Lauriano and Lilia Schwarcz, "Encilopédia Negra" confronts the historiography that denies visibility to the contributions of black people; publication also unfolds in an exhibition at the Pinacoteca
Words in the world of things
The first exhibition opened at the Museum of the Portuguese Language, Língua Solta is curated by Moacir dos Anjos and Fabiana Moraes and puts contemporary works of art in dialogue with objects, posters and other elements of everyday life
Words in the world of things
First exhibition open at the Portuguese Language Museum, Língua Solta is curated by Moacir dos Anjos and Fabiana Moraes and brings contemporary art works into dialogue with objects, posters and other elements of everyday life.
“Black Encyclopedia”: a book of many hands, minds and lives
Organized by Flávio dos Santos Gomes, Jaime Lauriano and Lilia Schwarcz, Enciclopédia Negra confronts the historiography that denies visibility to the contributions of black people; publication also unfolds in an exhibition at the Pinacoteca