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Tag: Brazilian Stories

“Brazilian Stories” reveals 'colonial system' in the arts circuit

"Masp presents an exhibition that criticizes the lack of representation in the history of art, but its own centers of power are white and patriarchal; the institution still exhibits works by its president, ignoring the existence of a conflict of interests", writes Cypriano

An extensive and critical show

In "Histórias Brasileiras", eight centers take the visitor behind the scenes of art and the decolonization movement, which is increasingly structured; with around 400 works, 250 artists and 11 curators, the show runs until October 30, 2022
The Museum of Art of São Paulo. Photo: Marcelo Valente.

Masp retreats and proposes to replace photos of Sem Terra on display

A previous measure by the institution had generated criticism and culminated in the resignation of Sandra Benites, the first indigenous professional in the curatorship of a Brazilian museum
Photograph by Edgar Kanaykõ Xakriabá that would integrate the collective exhibition of the series "Brazilian Stories", canceled by Masp. Photo: Courtesy of the artist

Bureaucratic “crutch” for censorship at Masp is a metastasis of authoritarianism

Jotabê Medeiros writes about recent episodes at Masp that question the democratic aspect of the São Paulo museum