Tags: fayga ostrower
MAM Rio celebrates 75 years with an exhibition that delves into its five areas of...
On display until December, the exhibition Museum-school-city: MAM Rio in five perspectives proposes much more than a nostalgic trip over the institution's 75 years, but a dive behind the scenes of the actions...
A Native and Alien Look at Anna Bella Geiger
Published by Edições Sesc SP, the book brings together an interview, critical essay, biography and images of the artist's works in a bilingual edition.
Pinacoteca opens an exhibition by Fayga Ostrower, one of the pioneers of abstract engraving
A distinguished engraver, painter, illustrator, theorist and teacher, Fayga would have turned 2020 in XNUMX and has a retrospective exhibition at Estação Pinacoteca