Tag: Black Encyclopedia
MAR presents a solo show by Jarbas Lopes and the exhibition “Black Encyclopedia”
The Rio Art Museum hosts two simultaneous exhibitions, on display until September. In Gira, Lopes, whose career in art began 30 years ago, proposes new meanings for objects that were discarded in...
A book of many hands, minds and lives
Organized by Flávio dos Santos Gomes, Jaime Lauriano and Lilia Schwarcz, "Encilopédia Negra" confronts the historiography that denies visibility to the contributions of black people; publication also unfolds in an exhibition at the Pinacoteca
Editorial: In mourning I fight
"We are traversed by the inevitable awareness of the loss of values in our society, which is collapsing", writes Patricia Rousseaux in the editorial of issue #55 of arte!brasileiros
Editorial: In mourning, I fight
"We are crossed by the inevitable awareness of the loss of values in our society, which is collapsing", writes Patricia Rousseaux in the editorial of issue #55 of arte!brasileiros
“Black Encyclopedia”: a book of many hands, minds and lives
Organized by Flávio dos Santos Gomes, Jaime Lauriano and Lilia Schwarcz, Enciclopédia Negra confronts the historiography that denies visibility to the contributions of black people; publication also unfolds in an exhibition at the Pinacoteca