Tag: Daniel Lima
“Live to the end what I have! – Sidney Amaral: an approach”; watch...
A arte!brasileiros visited the exhibition and spoke with curator Claudinei Roberto da Silva about the work of Sidney Amaral and his struggle for justice and equality for the Afro-Brazilian population
Collaborators of the issue #55
See who are some of the contributors to the #55 issue of arte!brasileiros
Letter to Sidney Amaral
In the context of holding the exhibition "Viver até o fim o que me carne! - Sidney Amaral: approximation", at Sesc Jundiaí, artist and curator Daniel Lima writes a correspondence directed to the São Paulo artist, who died in 2017
Issue #55 contributors
See who are some of the contributors to issue #55 of arte!brasileiros
Letter to Sidney Amaral
In the context of the exhibition “Live until the end what fits me! - Sidney Amaral: an approximation”, at Sesc Jundiaí, artist and curator Daniel Lima writes a correspondence addressed to the artist from São Paulo, who died in 2017
“Black Encyclopedia”: a book of many hands, minds and lives
Organized by Flávio dos Santos Gomes, Jaime Lauriano and Lilia Schwarcz, Enciclopédia Negra confronts the historiography that denies visibility to the contributions of black people; publication also unfolds in an exhibition at the Pinacoteca