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Tag: Atelier397

Independent spaces are highlighted in an exhibition organized by Ateliê397 at Sesc Pinheiros

Exhibition presents 40 works by artists and collectives with passages in independent art spaces and platforms such as Ateliê397 itself.
Horizontal, color photo. Work THOUSAND EYE, by Lia Chaia. In the background, a white wall. A white woman, with her eyes closed and her brown hair tied back. The photograph frames her from the shoulders up. She has bare shoulders. Seven red strands wrap its head horizontally and spaced apart. The first at the hairline, the others parallel, crossing the rest of the face, the last being at the height of your chin. Hanging on the wires, several round pieces refer to eyes, they are white with a brown circle inside and a black circle inside it, as if they were iris and pupil. The work is part of the exhibition SAY NO

Can art say no?

Exhibition "Saying no" seeks to articulate a critical response to our current context, enunciating conflicts through art

Coletivo debuts 1st Exhibition of the Vozes Agudas Award for Women Artists

Aimed exclusively at women, the Vozes Agudas Award received more than 800 entries in its first edition. With the aim of building visibility platforms for the work of women artists not yet absorbed by...
People at the entrance of Atelie397, in Pompeii, at the opening of the exhibition Que Barra!, in 2018.

An independent space that resists in the São Paulo scene

Even with financial difficulties, Ateliê397 completes 16 years with intense programming, focus on training artists and creating critical thinking detached from the market and large institutions