Tag: Indigenous Art
An existential milestone
Collective from seven countries shows the ancestral tradition reflected in the works of 170 artists from original peoples
cosmological synthesis
Through the repetition of elements he observes in the forest, the Yanomami artist Sheroanawe Hakihiiwe creates a delicate visual compendium of the daily life and imagination of his people
Huni Kuin Artists Movement opens exhibition at Casa de Cultura do Parque
Curated by Ibã Huni Kuin and Daniel Dinato, the exhibition "MAHKU - Songs of images" proposes an immersion in one of the aspects of traditional rituals through paintings and installations
Individual Xadalu in Porto Alegre addresses the erasure of indigenous culture
"Indigenous Area", reads the reminders scattered through the streets of the capital of Rio Grande do Sul. The licks, posters, paintings and flags in which this phrase is written are by Xadalu Tupã Jekupé, a mixed-race artist of...
Casa Mário de Andrade launches the Faces of a Contemporary Brazil project
With a free program of lectures and online courses, the project seeks to value Brazilian identity diversity and puts marginalized cultures in focus
CURA BH investigates new territories and proposes an immersive experience
From Rua Sapucaí, next to Belo Horizonte's Central Metro Station, you can see 18 graffitied gables. Considered the first street art viewpoint in the world, the place overlooks the...
Jaider Esbell and a presentation through genipapo
How can a tree be a shaman? This is one of the reflections that the artist and curator Jaider Esbell seeks to evoke in Presentation : Ruku. Bringing together about 60 works - including paintings, objects...
Another sky on the same earth
Threats of territorial invasion, deforestation and exploitation of environmental resources are just some of the many conflicts listed in the Mapping of Violations of Indigenous Rights in Northeast Brazil. Research is one of the components...
Pinacoteca do Estado: Radical Collection
Inclusive and bold. The new arrangement of the collection of the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, which opened at the end of last October, is a step forward in the institution's quality. In the previous version, the collection was...
New territories expand reflection on art
Curators of the 3rd edition of Frestas - Triennial of Arts, entitled "The river is a serpent", bring together knowledge and Afro-indigenous, native and ancestral thoughts to think an art of the impossible