Tag: anna bella geiger
A Native and Alien Look at Anna Bella Geiger
Published by Edições Sesc SP, the book brings together an interview, critical essay, biography and images of the artist's works in a bilingual edition.
Anna Bella Geiger — Sesc Avenida Paulista/MASP
More than half a century of the artist's works are in the exhibition "Native Brazil / Alien Brazil", on view until March 1
From Geiger to Sidney Amaral: the self-portrait collapse continues
Brazilian artists represent bodies beyond an "artistic selfie", seeking reflections far from the exploration of bourgeois subjectivity
Anna Bella Geiger's work and the collapse of the traditional self-portrait
Reflections from direct contact with the individual exhibition "Brasil Nativo, Brasil Alienígena", which occupies the Masp and Sesc Avenida Paulista