Exhibition "Triennial Tijuana: 2. International Pictorial"

Fri02August(Aug 2)10:00Fri28February(Feb 28)19:00Exhibition "Triennial Tijuana: 2. International Pictorial"Curated by Brazilian Leonor Amarante, this edition brings together 88 artists from 14 countries.Tijuana Cultural Center, P.º de los Héroes 9350, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, BC, Mexico


The Department of Culture, through the Tijuana Cultural Center, invites the international artistic community to participate in the Tijuana Triennial 2 International Pictorial with works or projects that explore other poetics, new issues and derivations that enable the construction of different aesthetic paradigms from a pictorial perspective.

General curation
The general curator is Leonor Amarante, Brazilian critic, editor and journalist. Co-Curator of the 2nd and 3rd editions of the Mercosul Biennial, in Porto Alegre (1999/2001), with Fábio Magalhães. General curator with Tício Escobar of the 5th Curitiba International Biennial, (2009). General curator of the 1st End of the World Biennial, Ushuaia, Argentina (2007). Responsible for the Brazilian part in the 3rd and 4th editions of the Clay Biennial, Venezuela (1997/1999). Juror for the selection of works at the Cuenca Biennial, Ecuador (2009). Curator of the Galeria Cilindro exhibition, at the 10th Havana Biennial (2009). Selection judge for the Bienal de las Fronteras, Taumalipas, Mexico (2014). Selection judge for the Arteamericas Miami Fair, editions (2010) – (2011). Today he is a member of the magazine's Editorial Committee arte!brasileiros.

Exhibition | Tijuana Triennial: 2. International Pictorial
From August 2nd to February 28th
Tuesday to Sunday, from 10pm to 19pm


August 2, 2024 10:00 - February 28, 2025 19:00(GMT-03:00)


Tijuana Cultural Center

P.º de los Héroes 9350, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana, BC, Mexico

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