Exhibition “Refoundation”

Sat10August10:00sun10Nov18:00Exhibition “Refoundation”Museu da Inconfidência celebrates 80 years with contemporary art exhibitionMuseum of Inconfidência, Praça Tiradentes, 139 – Ouro Preto Historic Center - MG


As part of the activities commemorating the 80th anniversary of Museum of Inconfidência – celebrated on August 11th – the exhibition “Refoundation” will open on August 10th, at 16pm, with free access to visitors and residents of Ouro Preto.

The exhibition – designed collaboratively between artists, curators and cultural agents – was designed from the beginning to itinerate and be reformulated with each new installation. Its first version took place in 2023, at Galeria Reocupa – a contemporary art exhibition space located in the basement of Ocupação 9 de Julho, run by MSTC (Movimento Sem-Teto do Centro), in the city of São Paulo.

The exhibition features approximately 100 artists and included, in this version, more guest artists from Minas Gerais. In it, the public will be able to see site-specific works, performances and different formats in dialogue with pieces from the Inconfidência Museum's collection, in order to generate new reflections about its collection.

The “Refoundation” arrives to strengthen the institutional repositioning of the Museu da Inconfidência, a moment in which, based on numerous initiatives, the institution has been expanding dialogue with different audiences and reviewing its expographic narratives. The exhibition also aims to make history, as it will be a milestone in the celebration of the Museum's 80th anniversary.

Demonstrating the relevance of the debate between contemporary art and the ways of displaying museum objects is essential, addressing sensitive issues such as slavery, structural racism, gender inequalities, subalternization of original peoples, trivialization of historical violence and forms of erasure in narratives of historical museums.

Museu da Inconfidência: 80 years of expressive documentary, bibliographic and object collections

The Inconfidência Museum is a historical and artistic museum, which occupies the former Town Hall and Jail of Vila Rica and three additional buildings in the city of Ouro Preto, in the state of Minas Gerais. It is located in Tiradentes square, in front of the monument to Joaquim José da Silva Xavier, the most famous activist of the Inconfidência Mineira

Opened on August 11, 1944, the museum is dedicated to preserving the memory of the Inconfidência and offers a significant panel of Minas Gerais society and culture during the period of the gold and diamond cycle in the XNUMXth century.

It has a collection of almost 6 thousand museum objects – including works by Aleijadinho and Master Ataíde -, a Minas Gerais library with around 20 thousand items and an archive dedicated to the colonial period of Minas Gerais, of incalculable value. In addition to containing documents, books, wills and objects essential for understanding the Inconfidência Mineira, it also contains the mortal remains of some inconfidências.

Currently, almost 80 years after its foundation, it can be said that the Inconfidência Museum is an undisputed cultural monument. It has established itself as one of the five national historical museums with visits of approximately 30 thousand people per month, being the second most visited historical museum in the country.

Exhibition | Refoundation
From August 10th to November 10th
Tuesday to Sunday: 10am to 18pm – entrance until 17pm


August 10, 2024 10:00 - November 10, 2024 18:00(GMT-03:00)


Museum of Inconfidência

Praça Tiradentes, 139 – Ouro Preto Historic Center - MG

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