Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life, 1823-1832, Johann Peter Eckermann, Translation by Mario Luiz Frungillo, Editora Unesp, 718 pages

Originally published in CULTURA!Brasileiros, the series must-haves brings relevant titles from the literature.

Remember the Unmissable series


Veronica Stigger, Publisher 34,91 pages

A short story, a short play and a poem form a strange puzzle where all the pieces fit together. Veronica's new book makes conscious and singular use of language, which, from the tragic to the comic, from the melancholic to the eschatological, always finds the precise form and tone.


South, Veronica Stigger, Publisher 34

“But the smell of blood is not like the smell of piss. Blood has a sweet smell. A lingering scent. A smell of death. The piss has an acidic smell. A passing smell. A bus station smell.”


One of the strongest voices in current Brazilian literature, Veronica Stigger was born in Porto Alegre and lives in São Paulo. She is a writer, art critic and university professor. She has published ten books of fiction and received the Machado de Assis (first-time author) and Açorianos (long narrative) awards.

The Museum of Silence

Yoko Ogawa, Translation by Rita Kohl, Freedom Station, 304 pages

O Museum of Silence is an eccentric thriller, with harsh and controversial themes that often flirt with the grotesque. What would a museum look like that preserved memories of people who died? This is the essence of the plot of Yoko Ogawa's first book translated into Portuguese.

Yoko Ogawa, Translation by Rita Kohl, Freedom Station

“What I want to make is a museum grander than you young people can imagine. A museum that doesn't exist anywhere in the world, but that is absolutely necessary. Once started, it can no longer be abandoned.”


Yoko Ogawa is one of the most hailed contemporary Japanese writers in the West. Since 1988 she has published over 20 books and won all major Japanese literary awards.

The genocide of the Brazilian black

Abdias do Nascimento, Perspective, 229 pages

In 1977, Abdias Nascimento presented a combative text demonstrating that the situation of blacks in Brazil led to “genocide. Thus, the re-edition of this text in 2016 is not just a historical tribute, but the realization of a fact: the situation remains unchanged.


The Genocide of the Brazilian Black, Abdias do Nascimento, Perspective

“I leave you with a plea: find ways and means to open up the creative impulses that enable individual black people, black nations, and the organizations of such nations, to regain control of their destinies.”


One of the greatest voices for the rights of black people in Brazil, Abdias was one of the pioneers of modern Brazilian theater, founded Ipeafro and received the UNESCO Human Rights and Culture of Peace award.

Heavens and Earth

Franklin Carvalho, Record, 206 pages

Winner of the 2016 Sesc Literature Prize in the romance category, the book tells the story of a boy who is beheaded by accident. In this plot carried out with lightness and agility, we follow the trajectory of the headless boy who becomes a myth within his city.

Heavens and Earth, Franklin Carvalho, Record


“When I was twelve years old, I went to help take a man off the cross. I found him dead and ended up dying too.”


Franklin Carvalho is a journalist and has a postgraduate degree in Labor Law and Process. Born in Araci, in the hinterland of Bahia, he is also the author of two books of independent short stories. He works as a photographer and in the dissemination of cultural and social movements.


Ian McEwan, Translation by Jorio Dauster, Companhia das Letras, 200 pages 

This book is a gem of humor and fantastic storytelling. A true synthetic and entertaining sample of McEwan's impressive narrative mastery. Through an unusual narrator, one of today's greatest fiction writers creates a story of intrigue and mystery.


Ian McEwan, Enclosed, Companhia das Letras

“So here I am, upside down, inside a woman. Arms crossed patiently, waiting, waiting and wondering, who am I inside, what awaits me.”


English Born in 1948, Ian McEwan is one of the greatest writers of his generation. He has written more than 20 books,
which won him several awards, including the Booker Prize and the Whitbread Award.

Saint Francis of Assisi

GK Chesterton, Translated by Luis Reyes Gil, *mundaréu

Aware of the space that San Francisco occupies in our imagination, in history and in religion, Chesterton creates a biographical essay of remarkable theological and argumentative insight, defending the capacity that religion would have in strengthening the answers to great human questions.


GK Chesterton, Translated by Luis Reyes Gil, *mundaréu

“In one sense it is undoubtedly a sad irony that Saint Francis, after spending his life preaching concord among all men, should have died amid growing strife.”


Father Brow's creator, the Englishman GK Chesterton was also a journalist, historian, theologian, philosopher, draftsman and economist. He is called the “prince of paradox” for the brilliant argumentative content of his work.

Conversations with Goethe in the Last Years of His Life 1823-1832

Johann Peter Eckermann, Translation by Mario Luiz Frungillo, Editora Unesp, 718 pages

The result of the zealous daily notes and observations of his private secretary Eckermann, Conversations defined Goethe's image for posterity. The immersion in the daily life of the great poet in his last nine years of life makes it possible to get to know better both the writer and his time.


Conversations with Goethe in the last years of his life, 1823-1832, Johann Peter Eckermann, Translation by Mario Luiz Frungillo, Editora Unesp, 718 pages

“I am convinced that these conversations not only provide some clarification and many teachings to complete the image of Goethe that each one will have formed from his multifaceted work.”


The German poet and writer Johann Peter Eckermann was a friend and confidant of Goethe. He became world famous for the publication of Conversations with Goethe in the Last Years of His Life.

Cildo – studies, spaces and time

Organized by Guilherme Wisnik and Diego Matos, Editora Ubu, 304 pages

Organized by Guilherme Wisnik and Diego Matos, “Cildo – studies, spaces and time”, Ubu Editora,



“The word I find most beautiful, among the ones I
know, is “lejos” because it presupposes that your being is here
and there at the same time. The there is a realization of being.
Cildo Meireles. "


The organizers who gathered about forty works, made over fifty years of Cildo Meireles' career are Guilherme Wisnik and Diego Matos. The first, professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at USP, Art and Architecture Critic, member of the São Paulo Association of Art Critics (APCA) and the Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Author of other books such as Lucio costa (2001) Caetano Veloso (2005) and Critical status: adrift in cities (2009). Matos is a researcher, professor and curator. Architect from the Federal University of Ceará, Master and Doctor from the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism of the University of São Paulo.

Culture and Entertainment Management – Law, Art and Freedom

Organized by Cris Olivieri and Edson Natale, Edições Sesc


Right Art Liberty, Organized by Cris Olivieri and Edson Natale, Edições Sesc, 272 pages
“Our vocation is to create with the universe. If there are creator gods and demons, they are in us and in all nature or nowhere. (…) ”We are part of the Sem Nada – but with Art we can transmute the Sem Arte, so that they do not destroy Planet Earth: those who tattooed the Cross Wrapped in a Dollar Sign on their heads: $$$$+++…”, quotes Zé Celso.
Cris Olivieri is a lawyer specializing in communication and cultural process management and has a master's degree in arts administration from Boston University. Edson Natale is a musician, writer and journalist,

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