Rosane Borges is 43 years old and was born in São Luís, Maranhão. Since adolescence she has been involved in black movement activities and political discussions, fought and still fights to mitigate and obstruct the effects of machismo and structural and institutional racism in the private and individual spheres.

In academia, between journalism and communication as a science, the now doctor and master in Communication Sciences from USP, began to reflect on what it means to be a black communicator.

Ao PageB!, explained that his political training dates from his participation in a university academic directory and center.

Currently, Borges is part of the research group Midiato, at the ECA (School of Communication and Arts) at USP. In his curriculum, there is also the coordination of the National Center for Information and Reference for Black Culture of the Palmares Foundation, one of the bodies of the Ministry of Culture.

Em Dialogues, Rosane Borges discusses gender, race, visibility and power in the light of minority movements and the dispute of narratives inside and outside the Academy and on social networks.

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