Dora Longo Bahia: facing crime

Tadeu Chiarelli writes about the artist's exhibition, on display at Galeria Vermelho

Crown of thorns

Although painful as a thorn in the soul, we go through an experience that can be profoundly transformative.

The Caipirinha and the French: Tarsila do Amaral and the devouring...

Critic Tadeu Chiarelli points out how the Brazilian artist's contact with the French artist's work inspired her production

Tarsila's drawings in Itu and the peculiar journey of...

Exhibition "Studies and Notes" will present 203 works at the Marcos Amaro Art Factory, curated by Aracy Amaral and Regina Teixeira de Barros

From Geiger to Sidney Amaral: the self-portrait collapse continues

Brazilian artists represent bodies beyond an "artistic selfie", seeking reflections far from the exploration of bourgeois subjectivity

Anna Bella Geiger's work and the collapse of the self-portrait...

Reflections from direct contact with the individual exhibition "Brasil Nativo, Brasil Alienígena", which occupies the Masp and Sesc Avenida Paulista

The Doctor and the Monuments

In 2020, the first model of the "Monumento à Bandeiras", by Brecheret, will be 100 years old. Based on a canvas by Almeida Jr., Tadeu Chiarelli exposes the demands of the São Paulo bourgeoisie to honor the bandeirantes, opposing them to the new positions against the bandeirantes and the Monument itself.

João Câmara and the “true” Brazilian art

A visit to the artist's exhibition at the Afro Brasil Museum becomes important for all those who believe that politicized art should be more political than art.

Bakun and the life of things

On a visit to Miguel Bakun's exhibition at Galeria Simões de Assis, in São Paulo, Tadeu Chiarelli recalls his first contact with the artist's work

Approaches and distances between J. Carlos and Mucha on Avenida Paulista

Simultaneous exhibitions by the Brazilian artist, at the Moreira Salles Institute, and the Czech artist, at the Fiesp Cultural Center, allow contact with fundamental issues for the graphic arts and for society from the end of the 19th century to the present day.