Antonio Recalcati, Enrico Baj, Erró, Gianni Giancarlo Dova, Jean-Jacques Lebel, Roberto Crippa, "Grand tableau antifasciste collectif", 1960. Exhibited at the Berlin Biennale

Berlin maps wounds of the world

Lean Biennial with 40 artists, "Ainda Presente", with artistic direction by Kader Attia, prioritizes works with a denunciation character
Untitled, José Antonio da Silva, at the Raio-que-o-parta exhibition

Exuberant visuals in a critical tone

Fabio Cypriano writes a review of the exhibition “Raio-que o parte: fictions of the modern in Brazil”, at Sesc 24 de Maio
"Nhiromi", by Denilson Baniwa

Critique Frestas: political poetics

Frestas - Arts Triennale, at Sesc de Sorocaba, addresses the dramas of the contemporary world in a lyrical way
It's dark but I sing

“Bienal of Hope” romanticizes catastrophes

"It's dark but I sing", at Ibirapuera Park, brings together significant and aestheticizing groups of Brazilian artists, but leaves transgressive activities to the past
"Two Weights, Two Measures"

2016 | 32nd Bienal de São Paulo: “Bienal is an escape from...

Remember the text by the critic Fabio Cypriano about the 2016 edition, which according to him followed the tradition of the São Paulo event of dealing with the present time above all else

Carlos Motta points out the roots of prejudice and racism in the 21st century

Colombian artist based in New York presents in Vermelho traces of the inquisition and slavery as keys to understanding the current moment

“Vaivém” deals with Brazilian culture beyond art

Exhibition curated by Raphael Fonseca addresses the hammock from multiple perspectives at CCBB
View of part of the exhibition that is on display at SESC 24 de Maio.

a curatorship

The historian and art critic Aracy Amaral writes about the exhibition "À Nordeste", on view at Sesc 24 de Maio, criticizing what she calls a "labyrinthine montage" made by the curators

Rivane Neuenschwander uses Machado de Assis' filter to see Brazil...

Fabio Cypriano writes about the exhibition on display at the Fortes D'Aloia & Gabriel gallery until May 18

IMS attests to the affection and defense of the Yanomami

Claudia Andujar's second exhibition at the institution brings her commitment to the indigenous cause in exemplary research