There is no doubt that the frequency of digital crimes is higher in the face of young people of generation Z, born between the early 90s and 2010, the so-called centennials, and who, because they were born in the Internet world, often have problems dealing with risks. from overexposure.

On the other hand, there has been an increase in incidents, fraud and crimes resulting from the exposure made by the parents themselves, of images, videos or even comments about their children. That, the Y generation, born between the beginning of the 70's and the end of the 80's, or even the X, born before this period, who lived part of their life in a more offline world, now immersed in the digital world. , lose the reins when it comes to publishing, posting, sharing about their children. There is great risk in this thoughtless posture.

Sharing data about children on social networks results in an indelible record. According to a 2014 AVG survey, 81% of parents surveyed in ten countries posted photos of their children online. In Brazil, the percentage rises to 94%.

What few people know is that half of the photographs on pedophilia sites came from social media. Sites of this nature don't just print nudity, but people doing normal things. Parents are responsible for their children and must ensure their privacy and image, including in the digital world.

We have already had cases where the image of a child was associated with a meme that went viral with millions of comments, offensive in clear cyberbullying. Cases of kidnappings due to photos and comments. Cases of harassment (grooming) when posting photos. In another case, the high-resolution photo was used in advertising campaigns without parental consent. In even more serious cases, theMorphing, that is, they edited the image and placed the child's face on a naked body or in a situation of sexual practice, with shares in pornography groups.

It is important to say that the Statute of Children and Adolescents, in article 241-c, punishes the act of simulating the participation of a child or adolescent in a scene of explicit or pornographic sex through adulteration, montage or modification of photography, video or any other form of visual representation, with a penalty of imprisonment of up to 3 years.

Thus, the recommendation is never to post photos that identify the child's routine or even with little clothes. Be very careful when exposing your child's privacy, because today he may not understand, but this content can remain on the network indefinitely, and it can cause great embarrassment in the future. Can your child, in the future, complain about the overexposure it brought him? It may never remove this content from the air.

If you really have to publish, evaluate the privacy settings, keep in mind how the social network treats the photos posted, reading the terms of use. Avoid posting pictures of children in bikinis, underwear or naked, or even comments about the child's routine and habits, as they constitute great danger and important inputs in the hands of malicious people. Never forget, the important thing is to post what contributes to the child's self-esteem. Always make the following reflection: Why, how and to whom to post?

Thus, it will certainly avoid immeasurable damage to the future of these children.

* The article was originally published in IDGNow! by José Antonio Milagre, lawyer specialized in Digital Law, president of the Digital Law Commission OAB/SP Regional da Lapa and president of the Brazilian Association of Digital Education (ABRAEDI)

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