Museum of Arts and Crafts - Sesi brings a program designed for the National Museum Week. Photo: reproduction

19th National Museum Week takes place between the 17th and 23rd of May

EAre we transforming museums or just maintaining them? How do we establish the relationships of cultural institutions with people, territories and societies, outlining futures? These are some of the questions proposed by the 19th National Museum Week (SNM). With the theme “The future of museums: recovering and reimagining”, it takes place from May 17 to 23 with virtual programs developed by institutions from all over Brazil. 

Promoted by the International Council of Museums (Icom) and the Brazilian Institute of Museums (Ibram), the cultural season has been held annually since 2003. Each edition has a different theme, which serves as a guiding motto for the participating institutions, but maintains the same objectives : promoting and valuing cultural spaces, thus intensifying involvement with society and increasing the visiting public. Since 2019, institutions from all federative units in the country have participated in the event, from those located in large metropolises to those in small municipalities.  

After more than a year of the Covid-19 pandemic and in the midst of a significant adaptation to the virtual universe, it seems inevitable to take a look at tomorrow. For the SNM organization, this is intrinsically linked to museum activities, to which the collections and the practices and performances presented to the public, stimulate and project narratives. However, as Ibram points out in an official note: “Reimagining a future for museums it means not only dialoguing with technological advances and the resources and tools that come from them, but also understanding how they affect our way of being and being in the world”. For the organization of the event, “being inserted in the future is, above all, contributing to a more dignified present for humanity and the planet it inhabits. It means facing the barriers of what is secularly musealized, reinterpreting the past, repairing mistakes, reviewing memories and reimagining stories”.

Museum of Arts and Crafts – Sesi brings a program designed for the National Museum Week. Photo: reproduction

This year, the program is focused on the virtual and takes place in all regions of Brazil, with 660 participating museums and more than 1700 activities, including lectures, exhibitions, workshops, debates and much more. 

So that you can closely follow the National Museum Week with activities aimed at the world of the arts, the arte!brasileiros highlights some activities of institutions from different regions of Brazil. In the guide released by Ibram and Icom, you have access to the complete program of the event (access the guide by clicking here).

The Dragão do Mar Cultural Center has an extensive program during the National Museum Week. Photo: reproduction


Dragão do Mar Center of Art and Culture – Fortress (CE)

  • 19/05 at 15:XNUMX: Educational Centers of the Museum of Culture Cearense and MAC Dragão hold a live debate to outline ways for the museum of the future. channel transmission Youtube.
  • 20/05 at 16 pm: Live MAC Dragon. channel transmission Youtube.
  • 21/05 at 09 am: Launch of the Collective Mini Publication. channel transmission Youtube.
  • 22/05 at 16pm: MAC Dragon Workshop. Stream via Instagram @macdragao.
  • 23/05 at 16pm: Publication launch A detour is not always a shortcut, by Educativo MAC Dragão. Stream via Instagram @macdragao.

MAMAM – Aloísio Magalhães Museum of Modern Art - Recife PE)
MAMAM dedicated itself to an exclusive production for the museum's social networks. Between the 17th and 19th of May, it publishes a series of video reflections on themes related to the future of museums. Between the 19th and 21st, it conducts online mediations on works from its collection and the Past/Present/Future actions of interaction with the public in the museum's media, always at 17pm. Online mediations focus on camraieta, by Izidório Cavalcanti; Abstract Composition, by Mirella Andreoti; and NU-WOMAN, of Marianne Perretti. All material will be available for consultation later. Access MAMAM's social networks by clicking here

MUNCAB – National Museum of Afro-Brazilian Culture - Salvador BA)
On the 17th of May, MUNCAB launched its new website, where the museum's exhibition collection is available online.

  • 19/05 at 8 am: Opening of the virtual exhibition on the institution's website.
  • 19/05 at 19pm: Live with artists from the museum's virtual exhibition.
  • 20/05 at 19:XNUMX: Exhibition launch live.
  • 21/05 at 19 pm: Live on the museum's future digital actions: plans for 360° virtual exhibitions.


Museum of the City of Manaus – Manaus (AM)
Programming transmitted by institution's Youtube channel.

  • 19/05 at 19pm: Seminar Impact on the cultural economic chain with the stoppage of a Museum, with the participation of Leonardo Novellino, from the Museum of the City of Manaus, and Marina Toledo, from the Museum of the Portuguese Language São Paulo.
  • 20/05 at 19pm – Seminar Sacred Spaces of Manaus, with theologian Carmem Nóvoa, archeologist Arminda Mendonça, architect Bepi Sirino and Edivan Viriato, a specialist in Afro-Brazilian History and Culture.
  • 21/05 at 19pm: Seminar Squares like open-air museums, with Vanessa Benedito, historian and archaeologist, and João Paulo Barreto, anthropologist and professor.
  • 23/05 at 19pm: Seminar Indigenous graphics and their future – Recover and Reimagine, with Ludimar Kokama, member of the Coordination of Indigenous Peoples of Manaus and Surroundings – COPIME.

Amazonian Art Collection of the Federal University of Pará
The institution promotes on its YouTube channel the series of conversations Amazonian Voices: Reimagining Collections.

During the National Museum Week, the Afro-Brasil Museum makes available readings of works on its networks. Among the selected artists is Sidney Amaral. Photo: Disclosure


MAM Sao Paulo - Sao Paulo-SP)

  • 20/05 at 16:XNUMX: Practical virtual meeting to listen to images with Elidayana Alexandrino. How are we relating to the amount of images we see and produce daily? Have we also become images in the age of multi-screens? Meeting via Zoom platform, prior registration required (click here).
  • 21/05 at 16pm: Virtual Workshop Anywhere is my land. Inspired by the work Anywhere is my land, by Antonio Dias, in which the artist affirms his belonging to any part of the world, affective maps will be created, thinking about the expanded poetic territory of each participant, based on the collection of personal experiences and experiences and the organization of life stories. Virtual workshop on the Zoom platform, prior registration required (click here).

Afro-Brazil Museum - Sao Paulo-SP) 

The museum opens virtual tours in order to present its thematic centers and generate a reflection on the challenges and potential of virtual mediation. Prior registration is required for the visits, which will be carried out via the Zoom Platform. In addition, on the occasion of the National Museum Week, the institution makes available in your social networks, readings of works that make up its collection, providing reading strategies and seeking to bring the public closer to the collection.

Pampulha Art Museum – Belo Horizonte (MG)

  • 22/05 at 15:XNUMX: Workshop invites children and families to experience creative processes linked to the universe of the artist's book and its unfolding. Registration at

SESI Museum of Arts and Crafts – Belo Horizonte (MG)

Pinacoteca of São Paulo - Sao Paulo-SP)

During the National Museum Week, the Pinacoteca launches video-visits for teachers, integrating the collection of the Memorial da Resistência and the Pinacoteca de São Paulo with the aim of highlighting their pedagogical potential.

Reproduction of the e-book “Museu Paulista and the narrative memories of Aimé-Adrien Taunay and Hercule Florence”, launched by the faculty of Museu Paulista and Instituto Hercule Florence on the 18th.


Santa Casa Cultural Historic Center – Porto Alegre (RS)
Streams through the Youtube channel of the CHC SANTA CASA.

  • 19/05 at 19pm: Live Museums in a time of pandemic, with Prof. Dr. Zita Rosane Possamai and Prof. Dr. Ana Celina Silva.
  • 26/05 at 19pm: Live saving the monalisa, with Karine da Costa Lima. 

MAC Paraná – Curitiba (PR)

  • 19/05 at 17h: Roundtable on NFTs and Digital Art with Jack Holmer and Ana Lesnovski. broadcast over the channel MAC Paraná Youtube.

Leopoldo Gotuzzo Museum of Art – Pellets (RS)

  • 19/05 at 19pm: Exhibition of images from the exhibition The Self: between the self-portrait and the selfie, in the museum garden.


Post Office Museum - Brasilia DF)
The institution promotes a virtual tour of the sidewalk of the Correios Museum, presenting the four glazed panels made by the plastic artist Martha Poppe. 

Museum of Sacred Art of Mato Grosso – Cáceres (MT) 

  • 20/05 at 19pm: Live The present and the future of Sacred Art
  • 21/05 at 14 pm: Workshop on contemporary religious art and its new languages.
  • 21/05 at 19pm: Live The present and future of sacred art

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