The show Lugares do Delírio, originally conceived by the curator and then cultural director of MAR – Museu de Arte do Rio, Paulo Herkenhoff, was put up by the psychoanalyst and curator, Tania Rivera and can be tried out at SESC Pompéia in São Paulo until the first of July 2018.

The exposure is the result of a careful and delicate research work with the objective of showing how tenuous the limit between “madness” and “reason” is.

What is delusional in art and what is there to reflect on art in madness were questions that guided the research. Another objective was to break the confinement of the production of psychiatric patients and discuss its representativeness in parallel, side by side, with the art exhibited in traditional circuits of galleries and museums.

For Tania “Art always seems to want to escape the norm, that is, the habit and rules that delimit our shared reality. It opens windows in everyday life and invites us to build new worlds.” “The intention is to put in abeyance the delimitation between the normal and the so-called 'crazy'. Art and madness have in common the power to transform reality”.

Lugares do Delirio presents aspects of Poetic Psychiatry, from the former “Space open to time”, today called Instituto Municipal de Assistência a Saúde Nise da Silveira. The work of Lula Vanderley and her team is located at the intersection between art and mental health care.

Reason, intention, Expressionism, images of neoconcretism and constructive delirium appear contaminated. All in the same boat, they excite and bring fresh air to the idea of ​​inclusion.


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