By presenting the most significant series produced by Pedro Motta in the last decade, accompanied by texts by curators, photographers, artists and writers, the book Nature of Things not only exposes the vast recent work of the artist from Minas Gerais, but also deepens – in several directions – the debate about his work.

This is because each of the ten series chosen to cover the pages of the publication, which is organized by the curator and critic Rodrigo Moura and launched by the publisher UBU, is followed by the text of a different author, allowing multiple readings of the production of the photographer, artist and “ archaeologist-traveller” – as Ricardo Sardenberg writes.

Photo in the book. Credit: Disclosure

Although all works have photography as their basic support, Moura points out in the first text that Motta’s work does not fit into a simple definition: “Direct photography, drawing, collage, digital manipulation, mock ups, simulacra and sculptures are used and recombined to fictionalize reality or bring the photographic document closer to fiction. In the post-truth era, these are strategies to denaturalize nature and landscape photography, the guiding principle of his practice”.

In addition to Moura and Sardenberg, the book brings together writings by Eduardo de Jesus, Agnaldo Farias, Ana Luisa Lima, Luisa Duarte, Nuno Ramos, Kátia Hallak Lombardi, Cauê Alves and José Roca. In the words of Lima: “Pedro Motta became a witness and narrator of the hardships resulting from the interaction between 'culture' and 'nature'”. If at times the artist approaches, as Farias points out, the coldness with which man deals with nature, at other times he emphasizes its “insistence” in resisting.

Whether in works made in rural or urban environments, with more or less clear interventions, “Motta's work attracts the eye and immediately questions what we see, always putting the viewer on alert. The oscillation between truth and 'constructed truth' keeps attention unstable and demands a slow, conscious and questioning gaze”, writes Roca.

Pedro Motta: Nature of things
Rodrigo Moura
Ubu Publisher


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