Meeting New Strategies Cultural Management Advocacy Panel by Jean Paz
Meeting New Strategies Cultural Management Advocacy Panel by Jean Paz

The Sesc Research and Training Center developed discussion panels on cultural management in the country and practical activities. The event was a partnership between Sesc São Paulo, Santa Marcelina Cultura and the General Consulate of the United States of America, with consultancy by Cláudia Toni.

Art as transformation

Danilo Santos de Miranda, Director of Sesc São Paulo, started the panel pointing to the Brazilian political and economic moment in which questions about culture and management are highlighted. Although there are intentions, formulations, global activism and actions in the field of culture, Danilo explains that there is no clear project for culture on the agenda. “Recent candidates have rarely addressed the issue or given the necessary emphasis,” he laments.

For him, it is necessary to observe how to transform impetus into day-to-day action strategies, in addition to placing the union of institutions as fundamental for social agents to perceive the power that exists in culture.

According to the latest BISC (Benchmarking of Corporate Social Investment) survey, 20% of companies' social investment goes to Art and Culture. The Gife Census points out that more than half of its members (51%) maintain or support projects in the area of ​​Art and Culture. Paula Fabiani, director-president of IDIS (Institute for the Development of Social Investment) comments that the percentages of business origin or from institutes and foundations remain stable.

However, Brazilian individual donors, as shown by the Brazil Donation Survey, are concerned with issues that seem more concrete and linked to their daily lives. Health, children, the elderly, hunger and poverty, for example, have more supporters. This means that Brazilian culture does not establish a direct relationship between such issues and the direct influence of art and culture.

The panelists placed culture as a vital element in social transformation. “For me, they are two sides of the same coin,” said Danilo.

Involved beyond a relationship of elective affinity, the debate guided the independence and communion of the two interdependent areas. “Education and culture are at the base of any measures that seek to provide infrastructural support and specialized staff to transform the country into a socially responsible and duly sustainable growth regime. Nobody does anything alone.”

The ideal scenario brings together institutions with the aim of making projects viable and sustaining culture on the Brazilian agenda.

Issues and strategies for changing popular views

For Fabiani, although it seems like bad news, there is a

Image: Paula Fabiani / By Jean Paz

great space to be conquered. “It is necessary to make the individual donor understand the importance of Art and Culture in his life and in society”, he explains.

The participants of the table sought to survey the strategies used outside the country. Above all, the applicability and necessity of the advocacy – term that implies the claim of rights -, as an indispensable tool for cultural engagement. “In Brazil, the best possibility is to execute it and bring together institutions around a common goal in self-defense”, said Pedro Hartung, from the Instituto ALANA.

For this, Fabiani says that research shows the existence of a communication challenge between donors, potential donors and institutions. “We have not been able to translate from the sector to the outside the deeper social problems that may arise due to the absence of the third sector”, she explains.

As an effective example of communication, the professional cites the program's international campaign Doctors Without Borders, which uses objective language. By presenting the steps taken with the money invested, he explains, it makes the appeal more visual and intelligible.

Furthermore, GDP growth should not be the only factor considered. The social progress index — which looks at culture, social inequality, among others — can be a tool when it comes to showing the cross-impacts of cultural, economic and political actions.

“Bringing numbers facilitates dialogue on deep and important issues”, explains Samuel Figueiredo, founder of the Baía dos Vermelhos Institution. “In addition to the economic point of view, measuring population well-being broadens the debate”, he concludes.


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