Commented Collection VB "Insight", by Sebastián Díaz Morales. Photo: Publicity / Artist's website.
"Insight" by Sebastián Díaz Morales. Photo: Publicity / Artist's website.

Em Insight, the image of a film crew facing the viewer is suddenly shattered, as if it were the surface of a broken mirror. The metaphor with the object allows the video to create a visual essay that deals with representation and the limits of fiction, and questions the mass media, seen as the product of a world that does not distinguish between real and simulacrum.

For the new episode of the Videobrasil Commentary Collection, curator and artist Nicolas Soares [1] comments on the work of Sebastián Díaz Morales [2], shown at the 18th Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil (São Paulo, 2013). Check it out below:

To access the complete work click here. And on this link a brief analysis of other works by Sebastián Díaz Morales can be found.

About the Commented Collection:

Videobrasil Commented Collection is a partnership between arte!brasileiros and Associação Cultural Videobrasil. Every 15 days we publish, on our platform and in our social networks, a part of its important collection of works, gathered in more than 30 years of trajectory.

This project contributes to “rediscovering and relating works from the Videobrasil collection, and thematic aspects, in the voice of critics, curators and thinkers, illuminating urgent contemporary issues”, says Farkas.


A institution was created in 1991 by Solange Farkas, the result of the desire to host a growing collection of works and publications, which has been gathered since the first edition of the Contemporary Art Festival Sesc_Videobrasil (still Videobrasil Festival, in 1983). Since its creation, the association has worked systematically to activate this collection, which brings together works from the so-called geopolitical South of the world – Latin America, Africa, Eastern Europe, Asia and the Middle East –, especially video art classics, own productions and a vast collection. of art publications.

[1] Nicolas Soares is a curator and artist. Graduated in Arts from UFBA, he holds a master's degree from the Graduate Program in Arts at UFES. He participated in several group exhibitions including the 15th Salão da Bahia, MAM, and held individual exhibitions selected by the Secult-ES public notices, at Galeria Homero Massena and at Casa Porto das Artes Plásticas. He has works that are part of the public collection of the Espaço Universitário Gallery (GAEU-UFES). He is the coordinator of the Homero Massena Gallery, in Vitória (ES).
[2] He studied at the Universidad Del Cine de Antin, in Argentina, between 1993 and 1999, and at the Rijksakademie van Beeldende Kunstein, in the Netherlands, between 2000 and 2001. His works have been exhibited at institutions such as Tate Modern, London; Center Georges Pompidou, Paris; and Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. He lives and works in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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