PTo start its 2021 program, the Pinacoteca de São Paulo opens on the 1st February, the show Fayga Ostrower: Tangible Imagination, a solo show by one of the most outstanding artists in Brazil in the 20th century. With 130 works, the exposure provides an overview of the production of Fayga Ostrower (1920-2001), a pioneer of abstract engraving in the country, born in Poland and naturalized Brazilian after her arrival in Rio de Janeiro in 1934.

The exhibition, curated by Carlos Martins, is part of the celebrations for the centenary of the artist’s birth – “self-taught, innovative and multiple in its achievements” – and is organized around the main interests that guided her research. According to the exhibition's presentation text, “the public will be able to appreciate the plurality of works related to literature, prints and architecture, expanding the traditional limits of woodcut and metal engraving techniques, creating a very particular vocabulary”.

Fayga Ostrower
Illustration for the cover of “Invenção de Orfeu”, by Jorge de Lima, 1952. Photo: Isabella Matheus/ Pinacoteca de São Paulo

In a first section, the exhibition spans Fayga's formative years, where the use of literary narratives and inspiration from books to create images and improve the learning of printmaking is visible. During this period, the artist illustrated books such as the tenement, Orpheus' Invention e Wasteland. The second moment of the show presents the period in which Fayga Ostrower starts to obtain national and international recognition, and in which she makes a major turning point in her career – in the 50s, the artist abandons figuration and leaves for abstraction and for more complex compositions. free.

The third period covered by the exhibition, in a nucleus entitled Expressões Gráficas, shows Fayga's approach, in the late 60s, with other working techniques, such as silkscreen and lithography. There are also posters for publicizing Fayga's exhibitions, designed by the artist herself. “She had this curiosity about the printed image, without prejudice. What she was interested in was the multiplication of the image, making a visual proposal that can and has character, even if multiplied on paper by any type of media”, says Martins in the publicity text.

Fayga Ostrower
“Bambús”, 1953, silkscreen on fabric. Photo: Isabella Matheus/ Pinacoteca de São Paulo

One of the most outstanding Brazilian artists of her time, Fayga Ostrower received the Grand Prix Nacional de Gravura da Bienal de São Paulo (1957) and the Grand Prix Internationale de la Biennale di Venezia (1958), as well as prizes at the biennials in Florence, Buenos Aires. , Mexico and Venezuela. For the exhibition at Estação Pina, a bilingual catalog (Portuguese and English) was produced with images of Fayga's works, showing her trajectory and bringing together texts by Carlos Martins and Adélia Borges.

*Read too “Radical Collection”, text by Fabio Cypriano on the new layout of the Pinacoteca do Estado collection.

Service: Fayga Ostrower: Tangible Imagination
Pinacoteca Station - 2nd floor
Largo General Osório, 66 – Santa Ifigenia
Free (entry is only allowed with reservation through the website



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