Maria Macedo, frame of the photoperformance "Dance for a blind future”, 2021.
Maria Macedo, "Dance for a blind future", 2021.

Created in 1989, in Ribeirão Preto, the Youth Art Exhibition (MAJ) reaches its 30th edition and makes its first tour in the capital of São Paulo, in the Sesc Consolação. There were 402 entries – a record number – from which the curator duo Luciara Ribeiro and André Pitol chose 40 artists and collectives.

“The exhibition brings a set of works selected in partnership with [the curator] André Pitol and reflects the plurality of youth in the field of arts, both in terms of contexts and territories”. It also mirrors what these young people have been thinking and using in the production of their works. “There are political, social, identity, poetic and aesthetic issues”, he concludes.

According to Pitol, the themes addressed in MAJ's works emerged from the artists' own aesthetic research and, of course, from their interest in discussing them. And that the hybrid or even digital aspect of some works was a natural consequence of the period in which the selection was made in a serious period of the covid-19 pandemic. Among the works he highlights is the mural 45 anti-racist proposals, by Alan Ariê (Itapecerica da Serra/SP).


Still according to Luciara, MAJ recently opened as a national exhibition, with the participation of artists from other states, although it has a large presence of names from the Southeast, especially from São Paulo. Even so, it brings great diversity, with artists from the interior and periphery of the capital of São Paulo. Luciara points out that she and Pitol reinterpreted the MAJ award, always focused on three artists.

“We realized that in previous editions of the exhibition the criterion was to award the prize to works considered to be better resolved or artists who had been more prominent. What we did was understand that the show should encourage the production and conclusion of works. So, in this year when the MAJ reaches its 30th edition, the award was an incentive for the works to be completed”, he explains.

At the end, the winners were Rebeca Ramos (São Paulo/SP), whose sculptures are related to a social critique of inequality in the city of São Paulo and which highlight yellow, a color that refers to hunger according to Carolina Mary of Jesus (1914-1977), author of eviction room (1960); Anderson Oli (João Pessoa/PB), whose video The street that used to be the beach rescues the memory of Complexo da Maré, in Rio; and Roberval Borges (Teresina/PI), who created a mural with 176 small mirrors in which the visitor both sees himself and “faces a repertoire of people”, according to Pitol, with whom we come across when we go to a street fair.

Watch the interview with the curators in the video below:


30th Youth Art Exhibition – Itinerancy
Until March 5st
Sesc Consolação – Rua Dr. Vila Nova, 245, Vila Buarque – São Paulo (SP)
Visitation: Tuesday to Friday, from 10am to 21pm; Saturdays, from 10 am to 20 pm; Sundays and holidays, from 10 am to 18 pm
Free admission


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