An extensive exhibition focused on different periods and facets of the work of Marc Ferrez (184-1923) occupies, from March 26th, the rooms of the IMS Paulista, with photos, original albums, cameras, equipment and documents that give a vast panorama of the production of the carioca photographer.

titled Marc Ferrez: Territory and Image, the show, with more than 300 items, portrays the changes experienced by Brazil from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th, during the approximately 50 years of the photographer's work. According to curator Sergio Burgi, coordinator of the Photography area at IMS, Ferrez’s legacy “constitutes a unique and singular platform for understanding the country and its representation, from the last decades of the Empire to the first decades of the Republic”.

View of Botafogo cove from Corcovado in 1885. PHOTO: Marc Ferrez/IMS Collection

The exhibition covers different periods of the photographer's work, starting from images of Rio landscapes from the beginning of his career and going through his production as official photographer of the Geological Commission of the Empire of Brazil - which includes, for example, photos of the Botocudo Indians from southern Brazil. Bahia. There are also images of public works - such as the construction and modernization of railways -, of cities and urban constructions, records of slave labor on coffee farms in the Paraíba valley and personal photos, of trips and visits to friends, which show a more photographer's intimacy.

In addition to the images themselves, the exhibition also deals with the technological changes experienced by photography in the period, a time of rapid modernization of techniques and profound transformations in the field of image. The exhibition will also feature a parallel program that includes debates, a course and the launch of the book Marc Ferrez, A Chronology of Life and Work, by Ileana Pradilla Ceron.

Marc Ferrez: Territory and Image

Moreira Salles Institute – Avenida Paulista, 2424

From March 26th to July 21st

Free admission

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