Work that is on display at the IMS. PHOTO: Claudia Andujar

In programming linked to the exhibition Claudia Andujar: The Yanomami Struggle – a great retrospective of the work of the photographer, visual artist and activist –, the Instituto Moreira Salles (IMS) is holding this Thursday, the 14th, at 19:30 pm, a open conversation with Ailton Krenak, one of the most important and active indigenous leaders in the country.

A member of the Krenak group, born in Minas Gerais, Ailton dedicated himself to the struggle for the rights of indigenous peoples from an early age. He was active in the Constituent Assembly that produced the current Brazilian Constitution (1988), founded organizations such as the NGO Núcleo de Cultura Indígena and in 2016 he received the title of honorary professor at the Federal University of Juiz de Fora.

Also at the IMS, on Friday, the 15th, Krenak participates in the seminar “Indigenous issues, museums and the school”, organized by the Memorial da Resistencia de São Paulo in partnership with IMS and MAE (Museum of Archeology and Ethnology at USP) and aimed at primary school teachers and educators (learn more here). The event continues on Saturday, at the Memorial's headquarters, with the participation of historians, museologists, curators and indigenous leaders.

Indigenous leader Ailton Krenak. PHOTO: Disclosure

The seminar dialogues with the exhibition Being this Land: São Paulo Indigenous City, which is on view at the Memorial until April 22. With testimonies, images and objects, the show deals with the existence and resistance of different indigenous peoples in the capital of São Paulo. Developed jointly by more than ten leaders, it has curatorial mediation by Daniel Kairoz and Marília Bonas and consulting by Casé Angatu Xukuru Tupinambá.

In another event dedicated to indigenous issues, Casa do Povo welcomes Claudia Andujar this Saturday, at 11 am, for the Reflection Circle on Contemporary Judaism. Andujar, of Jewish origin, has already drawn parallels between the extermination of indigenous peoples in Brazil and the Holocaust in Europe. We published in issue 45 of the ARTE!Brasileiros a text about your series Marked. Read here.

Addresses of events and exhibitions:

Instituto Moreira Salles – Av. Paulista, 2424

Memorial of the Resistance of São Paulo – Largo General Osório, 66

People's House – Rua Três Rios, 252


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