“Orun” is an installation by artist Paula Scamparini originally set up for a public notice by Oi Futuro, in Rio de Janeiro. The show is now on display at Sesc Carmo, in São Paulo, until January 10, 2020.

There are 63 suspended monitors, spread throughout the unit's exhibition gallery, which show testimonies from people of different ethnicities about the understanding of “heaven”. According to the executive producer of Orun, Raquel Valadares, Paula was concerned with bringing together a great diversity of people in the work, going to quilombos, indigenous villages, interiors: “With this, we can make a very different sky in Brazil”.

Watch the full interview with Raquel in the video above.


until January 10
Sesc Carmo: Rua do Carmo, 147 – Sé, São Paulo – SP
More information: (11) 3111-7000


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