José Barbosa, THE LITTLE RAFT ON THE HORIZONTE, exhibited at the show LIGHT PROPRIETA in Art 57
José Barbosa, "The little raft on the horizon", 2018. Photo: Disclosure

Among engravings, acrylics on canvas and paper, sculptures and wood carvings, own light, individual by José Barbosa in 57 Art, brings together 34 works by the artist from Pernambuco in São Paulo. Among those selected, there are 28 hitherto unknown to the public. For gallery owner Renato Magalhães Gouvea, the exhibition “shows the artist's ability to unite different references, genres and themes, not being tied to a single technique in his works”.

José Barbosa da Silva, now 74 years old, was born in Olinda, Pernambuco. Fson of a carpenter and restorer, he began carving chests for antiques in his father's carpentry shop. In 1963, with the encouragement of the painter Adão Pinheiro, he began his artistic career. At the same time, he joined and organized the Movimento de Arte Ribeira, which included the participation of João Câmara, Vicente do Rego Monteiro and Guita Charifker. Two years later, he organized the 1st Salão de Arte Popular in Natal, together with Janete Costa. In 1972, he left for Europe, where he lived between Germany and France until 1978. “This exhibition reaffirms the fact that Barbosa is more recognized outside Brazil, after holding about 20 international exhibitions, during the period he lived abroad, between 1972 and 1998”, says Gouvea.


“Seeing the works of José Barbosa, in their varied and multiple techniques of elaboration, two things immediately stand out: whether work in painting, drawing, engraving, whether carving or sculpture, the thematic unity is blatant, the magically charged 'atmosphere' is almost a constant, which leads us to observe that his work is of total integrity, that is, José Barbosa is always faithful to his inner subjectivity, also a result of the objective world that marked him experientially - the representation of this world is tellurically linked to the real landscape and mythological of its ever-present Olinda”. The excerpt, written by Montez Magno in 1981, reappears in the catalog of the current show, highlighting the axis that connects the multiplicity of the Olinda artist.

A opening of own light This Saturday (24), between 11 am and 18 pm. On the occasion, the gallery participates in the Arte-Circuito Jardim Europa, an initiative that brings a program of visits to six important galleries in the neighborhood (Arte 57, DAN Galeria Contemporânea, Luciana Brito Galeria, Galeria Lume, Galeria Marilia Razuk and Galeria Nara Roesler), making available to the public free service of vans throughout the circuit, without interruption, in addition to maps to guide and facilitate the displacement.


Luz own – Single by José Barbosa
Art 57: Av. July 9, 5144 – São Paulo (SP)
On view from September 24th to October 21st
Visitation from Monday to Friday, from 10 am to 18 pm
Free admission

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