Ditamapa home screen
Ditamapa home screen

commissioned by Aura – Digital Art Festival, Dictamap was performed by Giselle Beiguelman [1] and Andrey Koens [2]. The work brings a map of streets, avenues, bridges and viaducts named after the presidents of the civil-military dictatorship that lasted from 1964 to 1985 (Humberto Castelo Branco, Artur da Costa e Silva, Emilio Garrastazu Médici, Ernesto Geisel, João Figueiredo).

No project website, the first tab allows viewing the dispersion of these locations throughout Brazil; on this map, by clicking on one of the points indicated, the visitor can glimpse a photographic record of them, provided by Google Street View. These images can be seen more fully in the second part of the portal, the Postals of Delay, which for the most part “refer to remote places, situations that reflect Brazil's social and economic inequality. Together, they allow us to see the rubble of the 'Brazilian miracle' and the ruins of our present”, as indicated by the authors. The postcards can also be filtered according to region or president's name.

For the time being, 174 public places have been gathered by the Dictamap, whose interactive graph in the Ditaviz section visually illustrates its distribution by location, also revealing the number of toponyms associated with each of the presidents of the period.

The project, although already launched, is still under construction and accepts contributions, considering that this stage of the research did not include other places in the memory of the dictatorship, ranging from libraries and schools named after these presidents to monuments and related memorials.

[1] Giselle Beiguelman is an artist and professor at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the University of São Paulo (FAU-USP). She is the author of Memory of Amnesia: Policies of Oblivion (Edições Sesc, 2019) and of several books and articles on digital culture. She researches the aesthetics of memory and activism in the network society.
[2] Andrey Koens is an artist, studying for a Masters in Visual Arts at the UNESP Institute of Arts. His investigations relate digital aesthetics to the poetics of the pictorial image, exploring post-photography, AI and robotics. He is part of GAIA (Group of Art and Artificial Intelligence FAUUSP / Inova USP), where he researches the virtualization and digital architecture of art institutions.

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