ERNANI CHAVES Professor at the Faculty of Philosophy at the Federal University of Pará. He studies the relationships between philosophy, psychoanalysis and racism. for this number of arte!brasileiros, he talks about the concept of necropolitics, by Achille Mbembe, bringing it to the context of the Brazilian reality, marked by slavery and racism.

RODRIGO NAVES is a critic, art historian and professor, with a doctorate in aesthetics from the Department of Philosophy at the University of São Paulo. He has published essays and articles in several Brazilian and foreign magazines, newspapers and catalogs. In this issue, he writes about the plastic artist Germana Monte-Mór, who has an exhibition at Galeria Estação.

FABIO CYPRIAN, art critic and journalist, is director of the Faculty of Philosophy, Communication, Letters and Arts at PUC-SP and is part of the editorial board of arte!brasileiros. In this issue, he writes about government initiatives in the world of the arts in Espírito Santo and analyzes the controversies of documenta fifteen.

LEONOR AMARANTE is a journalist, curator and editor. She worked for the newspaper O Estado de S.Paulo, Veja magazine, TV Cultura and Memorial da América Latina. She received the ABCA awards for editing the magazine arte!brasileiros (2012) and the Ministry of Culture of Cuba (2009) for their cultural performance in that country. In this edition, he writes articles about the exhibitions Histórias Brasileiras and José Claudio: Uma Trajetória.

SIMONETTA PERSICHETTI is a journalist and photography critic. Master in Communication and Arts, PhD in Social Psychology and post-doctorate from ECA-USP. She is a member of the Editorial Board of arte!brasileiros. In this issue, he analyzes the questionable use of journalistic images of great impact in the media and in exhibitions.

Photos: personal archive

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