PHOTO: Matheus Jose Maria

In its first year recognizing itself as a “biennial”, no longer a “festival”, Sesc_Videobrasil will have 55 artists, which were announced this Thursday, February 28th. following the theme imagined communities, This year's biennial, which takes place between October 09, 2019 and February 02, 2020, will be hosted at Sesc 24 de Maio.

The list released by the institutions that organize the show in partnership, Sesc and Associação Cultural Videobrasil, includes 55 artists chosen through an open call held in 2018. In a recent interview with ARTE!Brasileiros, Videobrasil director Solange Farkas stated that “there is a very important production of artists who are part of ethnic groups and who end up operating only within their universes. The world of the arts doesn't look so much at this place. There is still a certain prejudice against it.”

The published names show that the curatorship sought to look at this aspect, incorporating artists such as the collectives Struggle Movement In Neighborhoods, Towns and Favelas and Alto Amazonas Audiovisual: “We want to work with those communities that are on the margins of the concept of state or nation, or in its gaps, on its edges,” Farkas said at the time.

Rosana Paulino, Marilá Dardot, Mônica Nador, André Griffo and Jonathas de Andrade are some of the well-known Brazilian names among those chosen. Artists from Asia, the Middle East and Africa are also some of the highlights. The theme imagined communities seeks to question nationalism and how this idea is conducted through artistic practices.

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