The image shows the city of São Paulo mapped with the points that symbolize the cultural institutions participating in the 34th Bienal de São Paulo
Map of the locations that make up the 34th Bienal de São Paulo

The 34th edition of the Bienal de São Paulo, which is curated by Jacopo Crivelli Visconti, will begin in February. The Brazilian Paulo Miyada (as deputy curator), the Argentinian Carla Zaccagnini, the Italian Francesco Stocchi and the Spaniard Ruth Estévez, as guest curators, were also invited to compose the curatorial team of the show. As previously reported on our website, this year the event has parallel exhibitions in the Ibirapuera pavilion and in partner institutions of the event. The current project makes a move to insert the Bienal in the flow of the city, creating actions that do not end only with the main exhibition, which takes place in September.

The individual exhibitions that will take up the Pavilion throughout the year had already been announced in November of last year. Now, the Bienal publishes the program that will be distributed by 25 partner institutions throughout the city of São Paulo. Exhibitions by names such as Morandi, Alfredo Jaar and Alex Katz, respectively at Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil, Sesc Pompeia and Instituto Tomie Ohtake, are part of the list.

In interview with ARTE!Brasileiros in May 2019, the president of the Bienal de São Paulo, José Olympio Pereira said that the initiative of making these partnerships invites people and institutions to “connect without necessarily having to share the same ideas”. This is in line with the “methodological motto” proposed by the curator-general, who explores the idea of ​​“relationships” as a way of fostering dialogue: “All these different levels of the project try to deal with this issue of polarization, show how it is possible to create dialogues with different institutions, different works of art, different audiences, etc. So it is a Bienal that, in a non-literal way, but much more poetic and symbolic, is clearly conceived from the moment we are living”.

Check below the complete list of the parallel program of the 34th Bienal de São Paulo:

  • Noa Eshkol, at Casa do Povo, curated by: Benjamin Seroussi and Marília Loureiro, from August to October.
  • Giorgio Morandi, at the Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil São Paulo, with Alberto Salvadori and Gianfranco Maraniello, from August 25th to November 23rd.
  • Jota Mombasa, at Centro Cultural São Paulo, from August 29 to October 31.
  • Marinella Senator, at the Cidade Tiradentes Cultural Training Center, from September to October
  • Antonio Dias – Arquivos de Trabalho, in IAC – Institute of Contemporary Art, from August to November.
  • Trajal Harrell, at Instituto Bardi / Casa de Vidro, in September.
  • Carolina Mary of Jesus (provisional title), at IMS Paulista, curated by Hélio Menezes and Raquel Barreto, from August.
  • Alex Katz, at Instituto Tomie Ohtake, curated by Robert Storr, from August to October.
  • Lygia Pape: Gestures of enchantment, at Itaú Cultural, withurador Luis Camillo Osorio, in partnership with Projeto Lygia Pape and an exhibition project by Daniela Thomas and Felipe Tassara, from August 22nd to November 8th.
  • Yuko Mohri, at Japan House São Paulo, with curatory by Natasha Barzaghi Geenen, from August to December.
  • Frida Orupabo, at the Afro Brasil Museum, from September to December.
  • Juraci Dorea, at the Brazilian Museum of Sculpture and Ecology (MuBE), curated by Caue Alves, from September to October.
  • Adrian Balseca, at the Museum of the City of São Paulo: Capela do Morumbi, curated by Gabriela Rios, from the 25th of July to the 15th of November.
  • Regina Silveira, at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo (MAC USP), curated by Ana Magalhães and Helouise Costa from August 29, 2020 to August 2, 2021
  • Trajal Harrell in dance stories, Museu de Arte de São Paulo Assis Chateaubriand (MASP), curated by Adriano Pedrosa, Julia Bryan-Wilson and Olivia Ardui, from June 26 to November 5
  • Jaider Esbell, at the São Paulo Museum of Modern Art (MAM São Paulo), from September to December.
  • Lasar Segall: The Eternal Wanderer, Lasar Segall Museum, curated by Giancarlo Hannud, permanent exhibition
  • John Jonas, at the Pinacoteca de São Paulo / Estação, curated by Berta Sichel, from May 9 to October 12.
  • Beatriz Santiago Munoz, at Pivô, curated by Fernanda Brenner, aged 2August 9th to October 24th
  • alfredo jaar, at Sesc Pompeia, curated by Moacir dos Anjos, from September 2, 2010 to January 21, 2021
  • Eleonora Fabião, at Sesc Carmo, from September 2 to December 30
  • Abel Rodriguez, at Sesc Interlagos, curated by José Roca, from August 29 to November 29.
  • Videobrasil Historical Collection in dialogue, in Videobrasil, from September 5rd to December 6st
  • public conversations, at Oficina Cultural Oswald de Andrade, from October 2019 to July 2020.
  • International Seminar on Contemporary Art 2020, at Paço das Artes, between the 18th and 19th of September.

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