The exhibition "Transe" will take place at Instituto Caldeira, in Porto Alegre. Photo: Alexandre Raupp

Looking at the territories of expansion of contemporary art and seeking to understand the poetics and aesthetics of a new moment in the world, the 13th Mercosul Biennial launches an open call for artists and collectives seeking an immersive experience between art and technology. With applications until July 20, the public notice will select 20 proposals to integrate the exhibition Trance, which will take place in 2022 at Instituto Caldeira (RS), making up the program of the Biennial. The projects will be developed in an artist residency.

"Trance seeks to stimulate the connection between contemporary art and new technologies, materials and resources”, declares curator Marcello Dantas. In partnership with assistant curators Laura Cattani and Munir Klamt, he will be responsible for the selection, to be carried out in three stages: blind analysis of the proposal, portfolio analysis and interviews.

The selected projects will be monitored by the curator and the assistant curator in the development and execution of the artistic proposals. Technical support will also be offered through partner entities, which will make laboratories, materials and equipment available to the artists. “We seek to make an inclusive and very disruptive show”, says the president of the 13th Mercosul Biennial, Carmen Ferrão. Through communication technologies, materials and techniques research, modeling, programming, prototyping and synthesis of new organic and synthetic compounds, as well as through the review of traditional knowledge - such as glassmaking, woodworking, cooking, weaving, among others -, one of the objectives of the residencies will be to generate connections between different areas of knowledge, encouraging the creation of unpublished works. For the Foundation, a very important part of this process, especially nowadays, is to value the diversity of thought and the originality of research and artistic proposals.

“We need to understand that 2020 is the beginning of a new century. Everything that had been happening until then was the evolution of the 20th century. 2020 is absolutely disruptive, it opens up possibilities for us to think about everything differently. All our relationships have become, in a way, obsolete, and we need to build a new form. The Bienal is a platform to discuss this new time”, explains Marcello Dantas in a live organized by the Bienal. The new technologies, focus of Trance, are only part of this transformation.

Caldeira Institute, in Porto Alegre. Photo: Alexandre Raupp

In the curator's opinion, “the great raw material of art, through time, has always been a kind of trauma, only an individual trauma. This changes figure when a collective trauma occurs.” If the experience of the pandemic configures a collective trauma, what are the new directions of artistic creation?

This guides us to the general motto of the 13th Mercosul Biennial. More broadly, this year's edition aims to reflect on the impacts of this collective trauma on art and on the common imagination, thinking about the activation of the dream and the escape stratagems developed in these moments. “The sequence of these three words – trauma, dream and escape – forms the narrative line that we are looking for in the works of the artists for this Bienal”, declare the organizers.

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Call open until July 20, 2021: sign up by clicking here

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